Meibomian glands in the eye lids are the secret weapon against impurities and contaminants. The lids distribute oils from the glands across each eye to lubricate and cleanse its surface, and we’re normally unaware of this whenever we blink.

Occasionally, there isn’t enough lubrication to cover the tear film across the surface of each eye. We might struggle to generate enough tears, or the tears may evaporate too quickly, resulting in a common condition known as dry eye syndrome.
Symptoms include itchiness and grittiness, blurred vision and light sensitivity, while your eyes might feel uncomfortable or start to sting. Occasionally, an affected eye will overcompensate by producing too many tears, resulting in watery eyes.
Anyone can develop dry eyes, but tear production may be affected by other medical conditions. It’s more likely to occur if you’re over fifty, wear contact lenses or work in dry and dusty conditions. Smoking and drinking increase the risk, as can some medicines. Ongoing exposure to air conditioning is a common factor in dry eyes developing, as is spending lengthy periods in front of a monitor.
If you’re concerned about developing dry eyes, ask one of our team for advice about reducing your risk factors. We may recommend moisturising eye drops, or offer tips on taking regular screen breaks and using a humidifier to moisten dry air.
We may also be able to identify potential causes such as eyelid problems, since our optometrists can inspect your eyes in great detail with specialist equipment.